cookie policy

This document informs users about the technologies this Application uses to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies allow access to or storage of information (e.g. through the use of cookies) on the user’s device or the use of the data processing capabilities of the device when the user accesses or runs this application.

For the sake of simplicity, such technologies are defined as “trackers” within this document, unless there is reason to differentiate.
For example, although cookies can be used in both web and mobile browsers, they cannot be used as browser-based staplers in mobile apps. Therefore, the term cookie is only used in this document if the specific type of tracker is meant.

Some of the processing purposes for which trackers are used require the user’s consent. If consent is given, it can be freely revoked at any time using the procedure described in this document.

This application only uses the provider’s own trackers (so-called “first-party trackers”).
The period of validity and expiry of first-party cookies and other comparable trackers depend on the lifespan set by the provider.

Operations strictly necessary to operate this application and provide the service

This application uses so-called “technical” cookies and similar trackers to enable operations that are strictly necessary for the operation and provision of the service.

Manage settings and grant or revoke consent

Managing tracker settings and granting and revoking consent can be done in different ways:

Users can manage tracker settings directly from their own device settings, e.g. B. completely contradict the use or storage of trackers.

To the extent that the use of trackers is based on consent, users can also grant or revoke consent by making the appropriate selection in the cookie notice or by changing the aforementioned selection via the corresponding consent widget for data protection preferences (if available).

Trackers that have already been saved, including those responsible for storing the user’s original consent preferences, can also be deleted via the appropriate browser or device settings.

Other trackers stored in the browser’s local storage can be removed by clearing the history.

Manage tracker settings

For example, users can find information about managing cookies via the most common browsers at the following addresses:

Users can also manage certain trackers used within mobile apps via appropriate device settings – for example via the device settings for advertising on mobile devices, or generally via tracking settings (users can access device settings and search for the corresponding commands).

Consequences of refusing to use trackers

Users are free to decide whether or not to give their consent to the use of trackers. However, it should be noted that Trackers help this Application to provide Users with a better user experience and enhanced functionality (in accordance with the purposes described in this document). If the user decides to block the use of trackers, the provider may not be able to provide corresponding functions.

Provider and responsible party

music 4 you Carinthia
association for musicans and artists
Non-profit association, exempt from VAT, promoting the general public (Section 35 Para. 1 BAO) ZVR-Zahl: 065754844
E-Mail-address provider:

Due to the objective complexity of tracking technologies, users are encouraged to contact the provider if they wish to receive further information about the use of such technologies through this application.

Begriffsbestimmungen und rechtliche Hinweise

Personenbezogene Daten (oder Daten)

Alle Informationen, durch die direkt oder in Verbindung mit weiteren Informationen die Identität einer natürlichen Person bestimmt wird oder werden kann.

Definitions and legal information

Personal data (or data)

Any information from which the identity of a natural person is or can be determined, directly or in conjunction with other information.

Usage Data

Information that this application (or third-party services that this application uses) collects automatically, such as: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers of users using this application, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses , the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the response file received, the numerical code that indicates the status of the server response (successful result, error, etc.), that Country of origin, the functions of the browser and operating system used by the user, the various times per visit (e.g. how much time was spent on each page of the application) and information about the path followed within an application, in particular the order of the pages visited, as well as other information about the device’s operating system and/or the user’s IT environment.


The person using this Application, who, unless otherwise specified, is the same as the Data Subject.

affected person

The natural person to whom the personal data relates.


Natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller, as described in this privacy policy.

responsible person (or provider, sometimes also owner)

The natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, decides on the purposes and means of processing Personal Data and the means used for this purpose, including the security measures relating to the operation and use of this Application. Unless otherwise stated, the person responsible is the natural or legal person through which this application is offered.

this application

The hardware or software tool used to collect and process the user’s personal data.


The service offered through this Application as described in the relevant Terms and Conditions (if any) and on this website/application.

European Union (EU)

Unless otherwise stated, all references in this document to the European Union refer to all current Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA).


Cookies are trackers that consist of a small data set stored in the user’s browser.


The term tracker refers to any technology – e.g. B. cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons, embedded scripts, e-tags or fingerprinting – through which users can be tracked, e.g. B. by enabling access to or storage of information on the user device.

Legal notice

This Privacy Policy applies solely to this Application unless otherwise stated in this document.

Last updated: June 13, 2024